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Mouse Control You Can Rely On

What Mouse Species Live In The UK?

There are 4 main species of mouse found in the UK. The most common is the house mouse, which is what most people imagine when discussing mice. House mice are greyish brown in colour, with compact bodies and thin, hairy tails. There is also the wood mouse, the yellow-necked mouse, and the harvest mouse.

How Long Do Mice Live?

In the wild, mice can live anywhere between 6 months and 2 years, depending on the availability of shelter and food. Also, if there are lots of predators in the area, then this can shorten the lifespan of mice considerably and lead them to seek shelter inside homes and business premises.

Why Are There Mice In My House?

Mice make their way inside because they are looking for shelter and a reliable food source. Additionally, if there are holes in the exterior, such as gaps in brickwork or badly fitted plastic air vents, then mice will have convenient entry points. If they explore your property and find it comfortable, they will build nests inside and start breeding, causing a mouse infestation that can be difficult to remove.

How Long Does Mouse Control Take?

It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to get rid of mice completely, depending on the size of the property and how many mice are already on-site. Our team will carry out a survey of the site prior to providing treatment and will discuss how long the project will take.

What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Mice?

The fastest and most effective way to remove mice from your property is to work with experienced pest control providers like LPPC Environmental. Our team can quickly carry out effective mouse treatments and then block entry points to ensure that the mice can’t return. By managing the mouse problem at the source, we can reduce the chances of a future infestation.

Mouse Control FAQs