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Trust LPPC Environmental To Remove Your Bed Bug Problem Fast

Close-Up of a bed bug

What Attracts Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are attracted to warmth, soft fabrics and the smell of human blood. As such, they are often drawn to homes or places where people spend a lot of time, such as public transport and hotels.

What Are The Early Signs Of Bed Bugs?

Signs of bed bugs include red, itchy bites on your hands, neck and other exposed skin, red patches on your mattress or bedding and tiny white specks, which could be bed bug eggs. Bed bugs are often mistaken for fleas, but bed bugs don’t usually bite pets, so if your dog or cat is itching, then the problem is probably fleas.

Will Bed Bugs Go Away On Their Own?

Once they enter a property and lay eggs, bed bugs are unlikely to go away on their own. Bed bugs hide deep inside soft furnishings and bedding. They can also lie dormant for up to a year without food. So, if you have a bed bug infestation, then you need to be proactive.

What's The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

The best solution for bed bugs is to work with experienced pest control providers like LPPC Environmental. Our team knows how to remove bed bugs effectively, using a variety of tried-and-tested treatments and techniques. We’ll provide you with a preparation sheet to ensure the safety of your family and pets before, during and after the treatment.

Bed Bug Control Aberdeen FAQs