Professional Rat Control To Protect Your Property
Rats are possibly one of the scariest and most distressing rodent pests you can encounter in your home or business premises. These hardy pests can be incredibly destructive and cause extensive property damage. Like other rodents, such as mice and squirrels, rats have incisors that never stop growing, meaning they chew on almost everything. Some rats have caused electrical fires due to biting through live wires.
It’s not just destruction and property damage that you need to worry about if you have a rat infestation. Rats pose health risks, particularly to businesses and homes with young children or adults with compromised immune systems. These omnivorous pests eat almost anything and will try human food if it is accessible, meaning they can cause contamination. Rats carry diseases such as Salmonella and Hantavirus, which can quickly spread.
In the UK, there are 2 main species of rat: the brown rat and the black rat. Black rats are both rarer and smaller than brown rats and have sleek, dark bodies. Brown rats have fuzzy brown fur, can grow to 27cm or longer without their tail, and weigh as much as 300 grams or more.
Whichever species of rat you’re dealing with, it’s important that you’re proactive. DIY pest control isn’t effective with rats, as they are neophobic, meaning they are afraid of new objects. As such, they will avoid traditional rat traps and rat poison, which, if left unattended, can harm pets and local wildlife.
Instead of trying to get rid of rats yourself, work with one of Aberdeen’s top pest control providers. LPPC Environmental offers humane and safe rodent control solutions to get rid of rats and block potential entry points so they can’t return. By dealing with the source of the infestation, we’re able to offer a cost-effective rat control solution. Call us on 08000 025 785 to book your rat control treatment.
Trusted Rat Control Across Aberdeen
Why Choose LPPC Environmental For Rat Control Aberdeen?
Effective Rat Control Methods Used To Eradicate Infestation
Commercial And Domestic Rat Control
Based In Aberdeen With A Nationwide Reach
Focus On The Root Cause Of Your Rat Problem
A Unique Approach To Rat Control From LPPC Environmental
At LPPC Environmental, our team understands that rats are more than just a pest. They are living creatures and part of our ecosystem. Although their proximity to humans can cause a nuisance, that doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve to be removed humanely and without unnecessary suffering.
Many pest control providers use a technique known as monitoring bait to eliminate rats. The principle is that rats will eventually go to the trap to feed, and when they do, they will ingest rat poison. The poison will take time to kill the rat, but by monitoring the situation, the pest control technician can find the body and remove it.
This approach works in the short term, but it doesn’t tackle the infestation at the source. If there are other rats in the area, they will find their way to the building, and the issue will arise again. That’s why our philosophy is that by tackling the rodent infestation at its source, the challenge is eliminated completely, not just kept at bay.
Our expert rat controllers will carry out an assessment to find out where the rodents are coming from and eradicate them at the source. They will also block entry points and remove smear marks to stop other rodents from entering the property. If the cause of the infestation is off-site, we can recommend solutions and carry out pest proofing.
For commercial customers, we provide ongoing pest control services to discourage rats and other rodents from moving into the surrounding area. Rats have good memories and are highly territorial, and pheromone trails from other rats might make new ones enter your space. With ongoing pest prevention, you can ensure that your business is safe from rodent intruders.
Operating from our office in Aberdeen, LPPC Environmental covers the entire UK, and no job is too big or small for our dedicated team. Contact us today if you’re ready to eliminate rats and protect your property from these destructive pests.
Will Rats Leave On Their Own?
Once they’ve found somewhere safe, warm and comfortable, within easy reach of food, rats will not leave of their own accord. As long as they have access to your property, they will continue to build nests and leave pheromone trails to encourage other rats.
Do Rats Smell?
While they are very clean individually, rat infestations often cause bad smells due to the presence of rat urine and rodent droppings. As such, your property may smell musty, particularly if you have a large, unmanaged infestation. Also, if rats make their way into your loft or cavity walls, they might get trapped and die, and the dead rat may start to rot and smell.
Do Rats Use The Same Nest?
Rats will build a nest from soft materials such as loft insulation, leaves, feathers and fabrics. If they find somewhere safe and warm, they will use the same nest throughout their lives and keep adapting it. A rat’s nest looks like a pile of soft materials and twigs and is often found inside walls, under floorboards or in the attic, depending on the species of rat in question.
How Quickly Do Rats Breed?
Like many pests, rats breed rapidly, and a female rat is sexually mature at as little as 8 weeks. She can give birth every 4-8 weeks, with between 6-12 pups in a litter, although as many as 20 is not unheard of. As such, a few rat sightings can quickly become a major rat infestation if you don’t act quickly.
What Is The Most Effective Way To Get Rid Of Rats?
The best way to get rid of rats for good is to hire rodent control experts like LPPC Environmental. Our team have expert solutions designed to manage the infestation and stop rats from returning. Our solutions ensure that non-target species are safe but that the rats are quickly removed from your site, ensuring the safety of the environment as well as your home or business.